You can find 14 barcode formats if your barcode number does not meet the barcode format requirements. The barcode will be automatically generated in a format known as Code 128. So don’t worry, when you activate the plugin, the barcode will be automatically generated and displayed
The barcode will be generated based on this option, select an option you want to use as the content of the barcode, there are five (5) options.
Product SKU (WooCommerce): Selecting this option will generate barcodes from each product SKU
Auto barcode Number (Plugin Default): With this option, the barcode will be generated from auto barcode numbers. This automatic barcode number comes from the plugin’s default. Click here for details about automatically generated barcode numbers.
Product ID (WooCommerce): Selecting this option will generate barcodes from each product ID
GTIN, UPC, EAN, or ISBN (WooCommerce): Selecting this option will generate barcodes from each product GTIN, UPC, EAN, or ISBN
EAN for WooCommerce (3rd Party Plugin): This is a third-party plugin. If this plugin is active on your site you will see the EAN option in Product Edit > Inventory. Selecting this option will generate barcodes from each product EAN
Product Edit Page
Barcode type: Two types of barcodes are generated, Svg and Image, you can choose any one
Barcode Width: How would you like the width of the barcode to look? range 2 to 4 and default: “2”
Barcode height: You can set the height of the barcode, range 10 to 150 and default: “65”
Country of Origin: This is a field for writing a custom text. If the field is empty, the text will disappear