How to edit the product barcode #
please follow the below step Click The Product Menu> then choose a product and click Edit
Barcode Content: #
Before editing barcode content, first know which barcode content is selected. On the plugin settings page, see below if you choose automatic barcode number as barcode content
Barcode Content: Auto barcode number #
change the auto barcode number in two ways,
1. quick edit option and
2. the product edit page
quick edit option
product edit page
View the barcode on the Product Edit Page: #
Click the ‘View Barcode’ button to view the barcode of this product. If it is a variable product, you will see all barcodes under this product.
Barcode Content: SKU, EAN, GTIN, UPC, or ISBN #
see below if you choose SKU, EAN, GTIN, UPC, or ISBN as barcode content. change the barcode number form here
Change ‘Barcode Content’ for variable products #
The plugin allows creation barcodes for each product variation